Tuesday, February 26, 2013


It's only 8:03am, and I've had a whirlwind of a morning.  

Woke up at 6:17am, and I knew I would be moving quite slowly today.  I'm not sure why, but man, I couldn't motivate myself to do anything.

I went through my daily morning routine:  my hair, my teeth, my face, my clothes, etc.  I decided to try out a Pinterest recipe... Maybe I should have actually read through the directions.  Instead of having a breakfast fruity-peanut-buttery quesadilla, I ended up with a bag of mush.  Whoops.  Next time, I'll just eat the peanut butter and fruit, no quesadilla.  

Did I mention it was raining?  Well, it was.  I walked outside with my friend, still carrying my bag of gross, and we were hit smack in the face with rain and wind.  Carrying that bag really made my hands super cold, and the real question is, was the taste really worth my freezing hands?  No.

We get to our stop, praying we wouldn't be late.  Luckily, the rain cause a bit of a delay, so for once, we didn't have to run.  "The 46" arrived, and my friend went in first.  I slid my membership card, and got the dreaded "Card not valid" message.  I tried again and again.  And again.  Then the driver tried.  And he tried again. I was pretty much SOL.  He asked me what was wrong with the card... how should I know?  Do I look like a membership card specialist?  No.  He allowed me to take a seat on "The 46" but I was instructed to speak to the people at school about this issue.  Would I even know who to talk to?  Again, no.

And then it hit me.  I volunteered to try out a new membership card program, so I bet the deactivated my card.  Well, gee, that's super awesome considering I don't get my new card until Thursday.  So that's pretty great.  I'll get to face the same problem tomorrow.

Today's lesson:  don't try anything off Pinterest, and choose your volunteer opportunities carefully.  

Keep living your dream!

And happy birthday to my favorite sister!

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