Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Oddities of Europe Continued

I've decided a week's time is just not enough to completely understand European differences. 

Yesterday I complied a list of things about Europe that I'm struggling with.  After another day of walking around, here are a couple more:

5.  Euro coins (I generally just lay them out on the counter and have the server/shop owner count the correct change)
6.  The lemon (Did I ask for a lemon in my water, my Diet Coke?)
7.  Smoking (It's everywhere!)
8.  Ice (Upon arrival, I forgot the Europeans like warm drinks.  I ordered water the first day at breakfast, it had 1 ice cube...  The second day, they put more in once they realized we thought it was a bit warm.  Now, they always ask if we want extra ice, aka the normal amount given in the States)
9.  The accents (I love them, when they talk slow enough to understand.  The cab drivers - they talk so so so fast that generally I have no idea what they are saying)
Well, that's all for now, but with three full days left, I'm sure there will be more.  Let's hope I can start to get a handle on things!

Keep living your dream!

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