Monday, March 11, 2013

Shameless Plug

Hello Readers!

It's that time of year again.... time for RELAY!  As part of the committee and Luminaria Co-Chair, I want you to consider signing up as a participant or donating in honor of a loved one who has battled cancer so that someday (hopefully soon) we can live in a cancer-free world.

So why not join a team, sleep outside (yes, this is the closest thing to camping I have ever done in my whole life), and have a blast walking the luminaria-lighted track with friends!  Sign up here to participate, donate, or purchase a luminaria in honor or support of a loved one!

Thank you for your consideration... But seriously, sign up!

Keep living your dream!


  1. Love that you are a leader in the Relay for Life organization at UC -- you rock! :-)

  2. UC's Relay for Life is a must-see event! And the luminaria ceremony is very emotional. I encourage everyone to attend this amazing event. Thanks to Relay for Life and the American Cancer Society there will be more birthdays for all. Meg, you are a light for us all! Love you, Mom


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