Thursday, April 25, 2013

#TBT Bus Drama

Remember that time when I went across The Pond to Ireland?  And all the weird things about Europe?  Well, I wanted to share another with you.  It's probably one my favorite moments from Ireland...

So it was the first night in Dublin for me.  We went out to Howth, a town located right on Ireland's coast.  We took a train ride out to Howth, where we enjoyed views of the ocean and then we traveled up to the top of the cliffs to see as much of the country as we could. 

As it soon started raining and grew extremely cold, we decided to head in to the local pub for dinner and some warm drinks.  The locals were so friendly and kept talking to us, which made it hard to eat our food while it was still warm, but by far, this was one of the best nights in Dublin.

After dinner, we got on a Dublin bus that would get us into the city.  We figured we could just transfer to a different bus when we got back into the city.  Well, as I mentioned before, it was my first night in Dublin, so I fell asleep on the first bus.  My classmates woke me up at the stop where we would soon transfer.  It was seriously so cold out at the stop and I was still in my state of delusion.  While I can't remember which bus we were looking for to take us to the hotel, I do know exactly how the next couple of minutes played out.

So, I'm used to having my personal drivers always there and ready to take me to my next destination.  They always know exactly when and where to pick me up.  Well, let's just say the public transportation system in Ireland is nothing like my personal driver.  In Dublin, public transportation is so efficient and everyone uses it.  And they know how to use it.

We were standing at the stop, well under the Dublin Bus Stop sign, waiting for a bus to pick us up.  Instead, we kept watching them zoom right by.  Could they not see us?  Were we actually at the right place?  I kept telling my classmates that we clearly needed to find a different stop because this one was not legit. 

This old lady was walking past, so we asked her which bus we should take.  She had absolutely no idea how to explain it to us, so we tried to relieve her of her explaining duties, but she just wouldn't give up.  She kept trying to help us, but it was not helping at all.  In fact, she just kept blowing her smoke into our faces.  Gross.  Finally, we convinced her that we knew what she was talking about and she left us alone.

A young man (he was actually attractive) arrives at the bus stop.  I asked him if it actually was a bus stop, and I'm pretty sure he gave me the weirdest face, but I was having serious doubts about where we were.  He was like "Uh, yeah."  I said, "Well, obviously it's not because we've watched six drive right past us without stopping."  As soon as the words were out of my mouth, the young man raised his hand and the approaching bus stopped for him.  Lucky for us, he also got the bus we were supposed to travel on to pull over.  Thank goodness we didn't have to ride with him into town.  Talk about YOLA

So, on that note, keep living your dream!

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