Sunday, April 21, 2013

Personal Space

If you know me, you may be aware that I am not the most "huggy" person in the world. 

My family used to tease me about it (my cousin still reminds me of it) but as a kid, I never gave hugs, or if I did, it was more of an air hug, with my arms slightly touching the other person and my butt out as far as possible.  It was an awkward position, no doubt. 

As a young grade school student, I played basketball.  Since I was super tall for my age group, every year, I had the pleasure of being the center.  I was always being bumped by other players, and while I could take it for a while, my anger and annoyance would overcome me and I eventually just would push back.  Somehow I always got the foul.  Needless to say, I gave that sport up pretty quickly.

And so I digress.  It's the middle of the afternoon a couple of Fridays ago, and The 46 is packed.  And when I say packed, I mean it.  I was lucky enough to nab one of the last seats.  The 46 has two different types of seats, some that face forward and others that face the inside of the bus.  I chose to sit on one of the seats that faces inward, mainly because there was one seat in between this older woman and me. 

Of course, someone just has to sit there.  And by someone I mean this lady, her kid in a stroller, and her two-week-old (the older lady asked) baby tied around her front.  So she plops down, one buttcheek on the seat and the other... in my lap.  In my head, I'm thinking, "Alrighty then.  Thank you.  Yes, this is comfortable, thanks for asking.  I really love when my "friends" sit on my lap.  You aren't crushing my leg or anything."  I really kept hoping that she would be getting off soon, but no instead, she rode all the way to the stop near school with me.  Awesome.   

Luckily I was able to focus on my breathing and text some of my friends from school to keep me from hyperventilating from my "friend's" butt touching my leg.  So if you were one of those texting buddies, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.  But for real.

Keep living your dream!  And never leave one open seat! 

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